I'm Beginning to trust that this is all going to work out , that these two strangers will take care of me, and love me. And I hope they will begin to trust me,
because I'm doing the best I can to be a great puppy.
(despite, the jumping, peeing, nipping,barking, and eating shoes.)
Send Roma your best shot, to: romadogblog@yahoo.com
Best In Show-Babatte
Best of Show_ Blakie & Champange
Best in Show-Tess
Best In Show-Stella
Best In Show-Sammy
Best In Show-Teddy
Best In Show-Tiny
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Best In Show-Stanley
Best In Show-Oscarita
Best In Show-Kerri & Sydney
Best In Show-Gracie
Best In Show-Maddie,Rosie.Fred
Best In Show-Chase & Cocoa
Best In Show-Annie
Best in Show-BRALY
Romulus (c. 771 BC [1]—c. 717 BC) and Remus (c. 771 BC–c. 753 BC) are the traditional founders of Rome, appearing in Roman mythology as the twins of the priestess Rhea Silvia, fathered by the god of war, Mars. According to the tradition recorded as history by Plutarch and Livy, Romulus served as the first King of Rome.
Tony Roma / King of Ribs Roma Downey / Actress-Touched by An Angel Thomas Roma / Photographer Roma Voroneshski / Famous Type Designer Elder Roma Wilson/ Harmonic Musician Roma Stibravy / Chairperson of the United Nations Committee on Sustainable Development Roma Mukherjee Melrose / Restaurateur Roma Vasa, M.D. / Medical Director Kennedy Krieger Institute Andrea Roma / Techno Artist Roma Maffia / Actress-Nip and Tuck
Roma/ The Italian Shepherd
Italian Shepherd / National Treasure of Italy
Pastore Italiano / Tesoro Nazionale dell'Italia
Anatomy of an Italian Shepherd
1. Anche & parte posteriore forti / Strong hips & back 2. orecchi del radar / radar ears 3. bianco sul naso / white on the nose 4. coda lunga / long tail 5. Il cuore più grande / The biggest heart