Roma's Click and Discover Blog

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Out Sick

Feeling Blue


Lisa Brooke said...

Please kiss beautiful Roma and tell her I said to get well soon.

Stanley said...

Roma Girl!

I hope you feel better soon. There are some extra goober smooches that I've sent with this message (they have healing properties). Keep us posted on how you are.

Did you get into a biker fight or what?

Goober love,

Noah the Airedale said...

Gosh what happeened Roma? Hope you don't have to weat that Elizabethan collar for very long.
You know I should be wearing mine after my operation but I refuse. I'm being pretty good though and not licking my stitches.


Neko said...

I know that you weren't broken but they went ahead and 'fixed' you anyway. I can't wait to get together next week and get back to Point Isabelle with you. Love,Neko